Browsing: Seven Dials

Shaftesbury has launched an interactive giving device, in association with Contactless Giving Week, to support the amazing Young Camden Foundation. The contactless donation point on Monmouth…

Shaftesbury celebrated ‘Seven Dials Winter Festival’, a three-day shopping, dining and cultural event which took place over the weekend from 19th-21st November, in the heart of…

Shaftesbury has announced the opening of a debut pop-up store in Seven Dials for Warm & Wonderful, the independent British knitwear brand, known for its iconic…

Shaftesbury has announced the official launch of Good at 33 Neal Street, marking the retailer’s new London flagship store and entrance to Seven Dials’ community of…

Shaftesbury has announced the debut store opening for Astley Clarke, the luxury British jeweller, at 31 Monmouth Street in Seven Dials, marking the retailer’s first bricks…

Shaftesbury has announced that independent Scandinavian lifestyle store, deli and café, White Pine, has selected Seven Dials’ Earlham Street to launch their latest location, forming a…